
Wednesday, 23 March 2016

March Tunes

What up? long time no post... Like seriously, it's been a month.
I really need to get my shit together ha!

So these last couple of weeks have been a bit cray, I started uni after two years off school and lets just say it's been an adjustment. I'm not used to reading text books, assignment deadlines and listening to lectures, but I'm working my way back. And we have a week long break over Easter, so guess what I'm gonna do? Well you don't have to because your reading it. That's right I'm blogging again. Obviously... 
One thing I have been doing a lot of lately is listening to music. In the car, whilst studying, and when scrolling through social medias, basically always. 
So I'm gonna share some of my top tunes that I've been listening to on repeat (sometimes I mean that literally). Like my other playlist posts, my music isn't exactly new. Most of it has been around for at least a year which is like forevs in the music realm, but a good tune is a good tune so...

➳ Heroine - Gengahr
➳ Any Emotions (feat. Brian Wilson) - Mini Mansions
➳ Everything You've Come To Expect - The Last Shadow Puppets 
➳ Double Visions - Mini Mansions
➳ Disciples - Tame Impala 
➳ Feel Good Inc. - Gorillaz 
➳ The Less I Know the Better - Tame Impala 
➳ Clint Eastwood - Gorillaz 

I know there's a lot of repetition with artists but it's just what I like. I've left the links to the music vids on youtube so you can check them out, the video for Everything You've Come To Expect is really cool, plus it has Alex Turner in it so... 
But really, they're all pretty frickking rad and I'm proud to say I've seen two of the artists live! My brother has seen four of them live, but we won't talk about that haha. 
Hope you find a new tune that you love. 
Have an amazing Easter! 
Love Rach xx 

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