
Thursday, 15 October 2015

Be Her Freedom | A stand against slavery

Last Saturday I attended a very special event and that was Launceston's very first Be Her Freedom Ball. You may be wondering 'what does that even mean to Be Her Freedom?' Well the Ball is a fundraising event run by the Be Her's organisation, which stands for the abolishment of sexual slavery. They work in partnership with the A21 Campaign, which is an organisation that stands for abolishing injustice in the 21st century, focusing on the eradication of the modern day slave trade. The Be Her Freedom Ball is held to raise funds for this organisation and to create awareness about the slave trade industry, because sadly many people are unaware that slavery still exists today.

Here are some facts for you x
 27 million people are in bondage across the globe, to put that into perspective Australia has a population of about 23 million.

 Only 1-2% of the victims get rescued. That percentage may seem small, and it is, but we need to remember that these numbers and percentages aren't JUST numbers and percentages. They are a representation of individual lives and any and every rescue is to be celebrated.

➳ This statistic is really sad. The average age of human trafficking victims is 12 years old. Especially considering many of these victims are young girls who have been sold into sexual slavery.

I don't know about you but all of this is not okay with me. People should not be owned and the raping of girls, young or old, should not be a profitable business.

As I mentioned before, the ball I attended raises money for the the A21 campaign. This organisation is incredible. They help gather and provide information for the authorities to catch people involved in the slave trade and free the victims. They have a team of lawyers to persecute the perpetrators which ensures they actually end up in prison. A21 also helps with the restoration of the survivors, both physically and emotionally. They also provide education for the survivors so they are better equipped for independent lives.
One thing I love about these organisations is that they don't look at statistics. They look at each individual life and see every rescue, every restoration as a miracle. I believe this is a beautiful attitude to have when tackling an issue of such a daunting size.

I really encourage you to learn more about this issue. I feel like in the blogging world we don't really talk about things like sexual slavery, it's all about feminism and becoming vegan at the moment. Don't get me wrong I think feminism is an extremely important cause I just think we shouldn't focus on just one issue at a time.

If you want to learn more about the Be Her's Organisation head over here.
And if you want to check out the A21 Campaign you can click here.
The A21 Campaign website has some amazing testimonials on it that are definitely worth hearing.

Thank you so much for reading. Awareness is so important for prevention and I encourage you to talk to your friends about it. 
Would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below. 

Lots of Love,
Rach xx 

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